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ABOUT @guigurui




 I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada and currently living in Madrid, Spain. My instagram @guigurui came to life in 2013 and ever since then, I haven't stopped sharing my travels and everyday moments that I take with my Google smartphone. All my photos have a “storytelling image” behind them, where just by looking at the photo, one can tell a story. 


All my photos are 100% smartphone pictures without tricks or photoshop. I only use the tools available on Instagram. I love to be able to share with everyone that one does not need an expensive camera in order to take a nice picture. I also like demonstrating the importance of perspective and creativity.


As seen in my instagram profile, I like to work with puddles. To most people puddles are avoided, but to me, they reveal a magical

image of a parallel world. It's always interesting to capture the reflections of buildings, cars, people passing by, etc.

I love travelling, sharing moments with people as well as sharing places I visit. I have been lucky enough to be mentioned in many publications around the world and to have had my first photographic exposition in May, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. 

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© Copyright Guido Gutierrez Ruiz
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